Kaspersky Network Agent Remote Installation Failed

Posted on  by admin

Network Agent installation settings. Kaspersky Security Center operator. Kaspersky Security Center 10.

Kaspersky network agent
  • How To Uninstall Kaspersky Network Agent. Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent Go into the Remote Installation _ Installation Packages node. Install failed.
  • Network Agent removal tool. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows. Failed to access files in the Network Agent installation folder from Windows applications.

I am having a $#(%&$#% time getting Kaspersky Security Center 9 to install Kaspersky Endpoint 8 on some of my workstations. Family keylogger crack. (Not all of them, about a third though).


Either they get to 100% on the installation and then never move past 'Waiting for application initialization' in the installation task or even if they are online and I can sit at the workstation and ping the server and vice versa KSC never will recognize that they are available to do the install (of KES or of the Network Agent either one). So I end up, trying advice from the Kaspersky forums, running the Kaspersky Remover and wiping all trace of Kaspersky programs from the machine. Then after rebooting, I manually install the Network Agent and tell it where the server is. Then, viola, KSC does see them and recognizes they are online.

Remove Kaspersky Network Agent 10

Then I try to do the remote reinstall, and it does the same thing all over again. And on the client side, the machine has KES running, but never picks up the key file or policies or anything from the server - like it thinks it is a standalone installation without the server management. This is driving me up the wall, making me constantly worried because a third of my workstations are running free without any working AV, and sucking up a ton of my time for no result. Any advice from the Spicey world?

Kaspersky Network Agent Removal Tool

(Besides changing AV since I already paid for the license on this one.). Hey - I am seeing the same issues. Kaspersky support recommended that I reset the password on the service account that is used for pushing the files, but that has produced no results for me. I have to say that I really liked Kaspersky Admin Kit - that was easy. The Security Center seems to have needlessly added a layer (or two) of complication. This was one of the reasons that we ditched Symantec when they forced us to upgrade from SAV 9 to SEP 10 - sucked all of the fun out of using their product, and sucked all of the available HD space as well.

Fairly frustrated with the Upgraded products so far.