Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Programs Essay

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Review the juvenile delinquency prevention programs that have been evaluated for their effectiveness at: Select one program that was rated effective, one program that was rated promising and one program that was rated “no effect.” Write a 1,100-word paper reviewing the three programs. Address the following in your paper:.How do the programs selected work to reduce juvenile crime?

Despite an increase of youth enrichment and engagement programs and initiatives, juvenile delinquency persists as a societal issue that has resulted in.

  1. The prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency is a. Of Juvenile Delinquency Social Work Essay. Delinquency-prevention programs in com.
  2. Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Programs Essay. We are most trusted custom-writing services among students from all over the world. Since we were founded in 1997.

What are the programs’ major goals, objectives, and core beliefs?.Who are the key participants in these programs?.What services do they provide to youths?.Identify which program is most effective at reducing juvenile crime and why. Identify which program is least effective and explain why. Identify the program that is promising and explain why it is not yet effective. Format your paper consistent with APA 6th edition guidelines. Use the above source in the paper!! Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Name: Institution: Introduction From time to time, there are cases where the teenagers and other under age children commit acts of crime that would otherwise charged as criminal if they were committed by adults.

In such cases, the children involved are called juvenile delinquents (Greenwood, 2014). There are a number of offences these children can take part in and be booked being delinquent, among them are crimes against person, property, drugs abuse and possession as well as crimes that are committed against order in the public. There have been a lot of interventions that have been devised in an effort to bring down the acts of crime. Protection programs are some of the aspects that have been quite effective in the management of delinquent youths.

These are programs where those youths that are found to have the criminal tendencies, and those that have been affected can be taken in an effort to make sure that they do not further engage in the unruly behavior. Where the children that are deliquescent are handled with care, they end up become full blown criminals (Findyouthinfo.gov, 2014). Most of the adult criminals that are on the streets today have had some history with crime from the time they were children. Below are some of the programs that have been in place for some time now, categorized on the basis of their success. That is, those that have been effective, those that look promising and those that have had no effects whatsoever.

The review sheds light on several facets of the programs in a bid to illuminate on the properties of each. The programs Adolescent Diversion Project (Michigan State University) is one of the many effective programs, which is university led, and relates to community services.

The program uses three pronged perspective as a way of reducing the crimes among the youths. The program uses learning socially; bonding and social control and at the same applies the theories of social interactions. The social bonding and control bring about relationship bonding that reduces delinquency. The social learning on the other hand controls the relationships that bring about acquired traits of delinquency through interactions with peers and family among others.

The theories of social interactions, dictate that the youths should not be labeled as deliquescent as this will encourage more intentional and unintentional delinquent behavior. The program has several goals that it strives to achieve (Crimesolutions.gov, 2014a).

One of the goals is that they prevent further delinquency in the future by the children by working to strengthen their bonds with their family, friends and other individuals they may interact with. At the same time they strive to make sure that the youths have increased access to the resources in the communities where they live. There is also a goal on protecting the youths from stigma within their social lives. The main participants include the Ingham.

Opener: B.Thesis statement: This term paper explores how family issues attribute to juvenile delinquency and how to overcome it. II.First and foremost, an unstable family structure is one of the contributing factors to juvenile delinquency. A.Single-parent household vs. Two-parent household B.Child maltreatment 1.emotional neglect 2.physical abuse III.Secondly, studies have shown that juvenile delinquency is conclusively related to the family environment.

A.Family cohesion B.Increasing number. Parents Are To Blame For Juvenile Delinquency Once a woman discovers the fact that she is pregnant and makes the choice to become a mother, she and the father have an obligation to provide a future for that unborn baby.

Juvenile Delinquency Essay Topics

Married or not, the child becomes the parents’ responsibility legally, emotionally, morally, and physically. Parents are signing an unwritten contract to protect and provide for their child, until the child is of age, to do so his or herself. Parenting does not come with a handbook. Rights of Juvenile Delinquency couldn’t be as fair as it is today without the efforts made by reformers throughout history. During the late 18th and early century youths committing crimes has little to no rights given. Children as young as 7 years old can be put and trialed as an adult even have a chance with the death penalty.

These punishments where so outrageous that even if you spoke against your parents’ wishes you will be put in jail. Something needed to be done about these cruel treatments. Model in their presence to advocate educational activities, community involvement, and avoiding contact with the law for bad behavior.

As Baker states, “Delinquents are made, not born” (1991, Pg. Possible noncriminal behaviors that may affect a juvenile to become delinquent include; child neglect and/ or abuse, termination of parental rights, foster home placements, those beyond parental control, interfamily assault and other criminal acts (Baker, 1991, Pg. Parents must learn to teach family. The data that the child crime is decreasing is actually surprise to me. Maybe many people think that the juvenile delinquency is increasing dramatically.

This issue is not simple to say that children are not dangerous from this fact. Even though the crimes are decreasing during 90’s, why are old people afraid of children? Furedi states “Surveys show that many old people are actually scared of children and teenagers” (108). The child crime has been constantly decreasing during 90’s. However, the circumstances.

Mother's death was associated with higher risk of delinquency than father's death (Juby 24). Life course theory views delinquent behavior as many stressors accumulating and building up. The more disruptive of an event that a child experiences the more stressful and damaging will be the effects. Divorce is most widely viewed in this theory, suggesting that the younger the child is at the time of the family breakdown the higher the risk for delinquency.

One question that arises is the remarriage of. Can help the juvenile face their problems that they are facing.

This assessment can prove to be very passive because it basically helps them recognize their own strength and allows them to build up off their own self-help. The second model for case management is assertive model which a treatment that collaborates both strength-based and assertive while also including the recovery approach, most of the help in this stage is from an outside provider but included the feel of the juveniles natural environment. Have researched and hypothesized the main contributing factors that promote juvenile delinquency.

The Strain/ Anomie theory introduced by Robert Merton and later revised by several other theorists, attempts to explain why juvenile subculture tend to behave certain ways when confronted with pressures from everyday life. Revised by other theorists, the Strain theory attempts to provide the framework of juvenile delinquency and its sources in order to analyze the effectiveness of this assumption, as. Parents, then follow in their footsteps leading to juvenile delinquency and later these same children, as adults, become more susceptible to crime. Allen, Latessa, and Ponder (2010) state that a juvenile delinquent is a child that has committed a criminal act that if the same act were committed by an adult, that adult would be punished, but the child is rehabilitated instead. The child’s behavior, under the law, would subject that child to the juvenile court where the child would become a ward of the.

Element of the point-and-shoot computer/video games lets children practice their shooting skills, which eventually become reflexes. According to the social learning theory children may imitate the acts of aggression as seen through the video game. Juveniles may learn that violence is a useful and appropriate way of solving one's problems. It is argued that video games desensitizes children to cruelty and may make them more likely to commit violent acts in real life. Video games do have ratings to indicate. COUNSELLING THEORY AS A TOOL FOR ADDRESSING JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NIGERIA A PAPER PRESENTED BY PROF. FATI SHUAIBU AND NTAMU BLESSING AGBO ON THE FIRST NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY KEFFI HELD IN 1000 AUDITORIUM SEAT 12TH - 14TH JUNE, 2012.

ABSTRACT The present methods being utilized by teachers, counselors and administrators in dealing with cases of indiscipline and juvenile delinquency in our secondary schools have not been sufficient. Usually, the maximum age is eighteen for juvenile court, but some states have lowered the age limit. There are many different causes to the development of juvenile delinquents; there are also many different theories such as the Rational Choice Theory and the Social Disorganization Theory. Randall Shelden, author of Delinquency and Juvenile Justice in American Society, states that the rational choice theory is when “ choices are often not based on pure reason and rationality; rather, they are determined. Juvenile Delinquency is defined by Webster's as 'a status in a juvenile characterized by antisocial behavior that is beyond parental control and therefore subject to legal action' as well as 'a violation of the law committed by a juvenile and not punishable by death or life imprisonment'. In short, juvenile delinquency involves any criminal behavior committed by a minor.

There is no question that there has been an increase in delinquent behavior since the days of our parents' adolescence. Industrialization set into motion the processes needed for modern juvenile delinquency. The country had gone from agriculture to machine-based labor-intensive production. Subsistence farming quickly turned into profit making. People who were displaced from their farm work because of machinery were migrating to the city to find work.

This led to urbanization in such places as Chicago, which in turn caused the cities to burst at the seams. There was a huge increase. The researchers have found that single parent families correlated with juvenile delinquency, and children from single-parent homes were more likely to increase their delinquency as they passed through adolescence, whereas, children raised in two parent homes were more likely to desist from delinquent behavior as they matured. Family structures, such as, single-parent families and stepfamilies, seem to disrupt a child’s normal socialization process. In conclusion, the authors and researchers come.

Toward adolescence and young adulthood. The parent's intelligent explanations of the rules plus reasonable enforcement help to maintain a steady reduction of control as the child matures. Studies have been made to determine the causes of juvenile delinquency. Many of these studies have focused on family relationships. In one study, comparing delinquent and non-delinquent youths showed that over ninety percent of the delinquents had unhappy home lives and felt discontented with their life circumstances.

The classical theory focuses on free will. Most classical theories “both old and new, make certain basic assumptions” (Schmalleger, 2009, p. For example, it is believed humans have the ability to make their own choices, and that pain as well as pleasure is the two key aspects of human behavior. Classical scholars believe preventing crime is probable with quick and assured penalties.

However, to be effective, the punishment must outweigh the satisfaction obtained from the criminal conduct (Schmalleger. Juvenile delinquency is a problem these days, despite a recent drop in arrests.


Roughly 2.5 million juveniles are arrested every year for different crimes in America. About 100,000 of those are violent crimes, however those statistics are slightly inaccurate since only half of juvenile crimes are reported (Juvenile Justice Basic Statistics, 2011). Creating interventions to assist at-risk youth means preventing them from starting on a path to crime is a priority.

Juvenile justice system researchers. Third, States are to separate juvenile offenders from incarcerated adults. Fourth, States are to address efforts to reduce the disproportionate number of minorities detained or confined in secure detention facilities. (Ravenell, 2002) The act’s framers were concerned with the framework of the juvenile justice system. Believing that they could restrain juvenile delinquency through prevention rather than punishment, they increased the quality of the juvenile justice system. Policy specified. John Doe, who has been recommended from a group home where other juvenile delinquents are living, is an unmanageable thirteen years old boy.

In the past weeks, John Doe committed a great variety of delinquent activities: thefts, vandalism, bully, and trying to kill his mother. John Doe´s mother states that he was manageable when his father, who committed domestic violence against her, was in home. When John Doe was eight years old, his delinquent behavior started by stole a cassette player in an.

Teen delinquency can also arise when a teen’s parent is incarcerated. Teens that have a parent in prison are affected emotionally, behaviorally and psychologically (Johnson 461). The incarceration of a parent can gravely affect an individual because the parent is not prevalent throughout the teen’s life. The teen then becomes angry and acts out because they have so much emotional pain bottled up inside.

“The children of incarcerated parents are at a high risk for a number of negative behaviors that. Juvenile delinquency is of great concern in the United States.

In 2007 over 2 million arrests were juveniles. There are two types of juvenile delinquency. The first type of offense is a behavior that would be a criminal violation for an adult. The other offense is called a “status” offense. Status offenses are delinquent actions that do not apply to adults, like running away and truancy. This paper will discuss the impact of gender and family on delinquency and the treatment by gender in the juvenile. Violence.” Studies have shown that the influence of the gangs on juvenile violence is greater than the influence of other highly delinquent peers.

Another school risk factor for gang membership is that juveniles feel unsafe at school. Gangs member can kill people for using drugs.

Young people who kill or steal stuffs they do it to buy more drugs because they are addicted to it. Is difficult for juveniles to exit gangs.

Juveniles get involved in gangs because they want to be like them and also they. McLanahan, 2005). She started doing research to prove that children in single parent homes were not at a disadvantaged compared to children who had both parents (Charen, 1995). Sara soon realized that quite contrary was true. It does make a difference if the child is raised by one parent or two parents.

Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act

“Children raised by only one parent were twice as likely to drop out of high school, get pregnant before marriage, have drinking problems and experience a host of other difficulties (including getting. Of the families and child delinquency. Third, this paper will examine the lives of homeless youth and their survival tactics. Next, there will be some research reviewed on the effects of abuse in the home and the development of delinquent tendencies. Finally, this section will look at the effects of incarceration on the families it leaves behind. Parenting Tyrone Cheng examines the consequences of various parenting styles and family structure to relate it to delinquency. Through a secondary analysis.

Types Of Juvenile Delinquency Programs

That is the time when he develops sound coping skills. These skills will come into play when he becomes a teenager. In an excerpt from the family.org website, “one of the root causes of juvenile violence is family instability. This is one of the characteristics shared among the vast majority of violent juveniles. But, research has shown that in most cases, family stability can trump negative influences that might otherwise lead to a child’s violent behavior.

Does a certain temperament lead to violent.