Update Cisco 7940 Firmware

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  1. Update Cisco 7945 Firmware
  2. Cisco 7940 Firmware

How to convert a Cisco 7940 from SCCP to SIP On this topic Note: This guide has been tested with firmware version pos3.08.12.00. Be aware that different firmware revisions may have different functionality. Introduction This document will describe how to get a Cisco 7940 with SCCP (Skinny) protocol, convert it to SIP and get it to work with 3CX Phone System. For a full guide on how to configure the phone including its configuration file read.

Step 1: Obtain the Firmware files Download the. These are the latest tested Cisco 79XX files firmware version P003-8-12-00. Extract the.zip package to a folder on your computer. Step 2: Prepare a TFTP Server to deploy the firmware files to the phone Download any TFTP. server software.

How to convert a Cisco 7940 from SCCP to SIP. On this topic. How to convert a Cisco 7940 from SCCP to SIP. Step 1: Obtain the Firmware files. In fact, Cisco phones are simple. They just need a tftp server to update its firmware and it doesnt even have to be located on the asterisk/phone system itself.

The one that was used in this specific SIP upgrade is called, but you can use any TFTP software. Install the TFTP server. Specify the location where where you have extracted the.zip package.

Configure the TFTP server so that Read Request Behaviour is set to “ Give all Files ” without “ Prompt before giving file ”. This way you make sure that the read request of the phone happens without any complications.

The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is normally used only for booting diskless workstations. The TFTP server package provides the server for TFTP, which allows users to transfer files to and from a remote machine. Step 3: Configure your DHCP Server to tell the phone where to get the Firmware files. Configure your DHCP server and create a DHCP reservation for your Cisco Phone. When done, edit the reservation and click on Configure options. Find Option 66 and enter the IP Address where the TFTP is installed.

It is recommended to install the TFTP server on the same machine where 3CX Phone System is installed. Step 4: Complete the upgrade Put all the files along with the extracted SIP image files in the TFTP server root directory the one you defined on the TFTP server options and restart the device.

Update Cisco 7945 Firmware

The device will be assigned an IP Address from the DHCP server and will be told to search for booting files and media from the IP Address specified in the option 66 section. For details on how to build the configuration file of the CISCO 7940G phone. NOTE: Please be aware that most CISCO phones do not have a web interface. The only way to configure or give configuration updates is via Configuration files using TFTP.

January 20, 2013 For my Cisco Telephony Lab, I got few old 7940. One in SIP and an other one in MGCP. For the 7940 SIP Phone, the firmware was recent and it was easy to update. But for the 7940 MGCP Phone, it was a bit more complex.

Update Cisco 7940 Firmware

So I’m going to share my experience it could help other people who would buy old 7940 MGCP phones on ebay and would encounter the same issue. Initial release of the MGCP Phone When I plugged the phone and checked the firmware release I got this: Application Load ID: P0M3-07-7-00 Boot Load ID: PC030301 DSP Load ID: PS03AT46 Short description of the Application Load ID: The letter after P0 means: 0 for SCCP S for SIP M for MGCP The number gives the CUCM release: 7 for CUCM7 Selection of a new firmware My lab works on the 8.6 CUCM release, so I would like to have the most recent firmware but with the SCCP protocol.

So I downloaded on cisco.com the last release of SCCP Firmware. I got the 8.1(2)SR2. I selected the.zip archive because I need to use a common TFTP server. Upload the firmware with TFTP To upload the firmware on your phone, you need a TFTP server and a DHCP server. The DHCP server allows to specify the IP address of the TFTP server via its option 150. You can use the dhcp server on a cisco router.

For TFTP server, I used SolarWinds TFTP Server. I extracted the.zip archive in the TFTP directory. The initial firmware being a MGCP firmware we need to define the new firmware to install in the configuration file MGCDefault.cnf. Indeed, when your phone is starting, it requests this file from the TFTP Server. You can see it with a simple wireshark capture on your computer where your TFTP server is located.

When you extracted the firmware.zip archive you got the following files: P0030801SR02.bin P0030801SR02.loads P0030801SR02.sb2 P0030801SR02.sbn In the MGCDefault.cnf file, you need to define the imageversion parameter with the identifier of your release. So, you will find below an example: # Generic MGCP Default Config File Options # # Any or All of these options can be configured # in the user config file (MGC.cnf). # The user config file options override any options # specified here in the Default Config File. #:sample user config file name: MGC003E362FE92.cnf # imageversion – specifies which image version should # be on the phone.

Cisco 7940 Firmware

This is used to upgrade from an # MGCP image to a diferent MGCP image. The OS79XX.TXT # file is only used to switch protocols (ie. SIP to MGCP).

Imageversion: P0030801SR02 # tftpcfgdir – specifies the directory to use for the # retrieveing the MGC.cnf file. The base # for the directory is the base TFTP Server directory.

# tftpcfgdir is limited to 64 characters. Tftpcfgdir: “” So now, you have just to restart the phone and it should download its new firmware. But not: Why? A wireshark capture shows that the phone requests the MGCPDefault.cnf from the TFTP server and got it and after requests the P0030801SR02.loads and got it but nothing after, the phone stop there and restart loop. How to solve our issue: The reason to our issue is simple, 7940 phone can’t directly jump to this new firmware in one step. So, first, we need to update the firmware with intermediate steps.

In my case, I used two steps:. Release 7.2.4. Release 8.1.1 As soon as you have updated the 7940 in 7.2.4 SCCP you need to use XMLDefault.cnf.xml to define the next release to download. 2000µ P0.