Bugs Bunny And Taz Time Busters Game

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Bugs Bunny& Taz: Time Busters is the second Looney Tunes video game for the Sony PlayStation and.

Time is out of order - and it's all Daffy's fault! When a routine pest control call turns ugly, Daffy panics and breaks Granny's time regulator, throwing himself and a number of other Looney Tunes characters into the distant past. In Infogrames' Bugs & Taz: Time Busters, it's up to Bugs Bunny and the Tasmanian Devil to recover the time crystal, rescue their missing friends, and teach Daffy a lesson he'll never forget.To do it, this unlikely pair will travel through four different eras, partake in 16 unique minigames, and recover a whopping 5,000 gear fragments. The premise may reek of Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time, but the sheer depth and variety makes Time Busters an original in its own right. Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters isn't your average cartoon-inspired 3D action game. Unlike the 100-percent exploratory nature of most 3D platform games, Time Busters constantly alternates between a number of effective gameplay elements. The game's core quest is a 3D adventure where you'll cycle between Bugs and Taz in order to solve puzzles, gather gear fragments, and rescue cartoon characters.


Although there are only four distinct areas throughout the game, they all contain between three and five sublevels, as well as a number of fun minigames, such as soccer, dancing, or bobsledding. A major boss marks the end of each area - time-warped versions of Yosemite Sam, Elmer Fudd, Babba Chop, and Count Bloodcount. Switching between Bugs and Taz is essential to completing Granny's mission, as each brings his own unique set of abilities to the table. Bugs can jump high, hover, and roll his way through obstacles, while Taz is best used for lifting heavy objects or tornado-spinning his way past enemies. Additionally, the game's two-player mode even allows two friends to play cooperatively, one as Bugs and one as Taz. If there's any complaint that you might have about Time Busters, it's that it's far too easy, but some allowances can be made depending on the age of the intended player. Adults may find the game a fun weekend romp, while children will discover many, many hours of enjoyment wrapped up in its two remarkably dissimilar characters.

Half of any cartoon-based video game's success is how it looks, specifically how well the character designs and environments convey the feeling of an actual Saturday morning animated short. To this end, Time Busters satisfies all major criteria with only a smattering of minor problems. The character models for Bugs and Taz are faithful to their animated counterparts in every conceivable way, from poise and gait to little things such as facial expressions and arm waving. Bugs will make faces or nibble a carrot from time to time, while Taz can be put through all sorts of fun contortions with a simple tap of the circle button. Furthermore, the environments they occupy continue the illusion that you're playing inside a Looney Tunes cartoon.


Bugs Bunny And Taz Time Busters

The game's Aztec, Viking, Arabian, and Transylvanian areas all resemble the same locales that generations of Bugs Bunny fans have witnessed the cotton-tailed hero visit in his own animated quests. Similarly, each level has its own unique selection of interlopers and indigenous inhabitants, ranging from generic soldiers and bit-part characters to such big names as Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam. Some sublevels, namely the game's six tomb and temple areas, aren't as detailed as the other 40 or so settings, and there is a fair amount of draw-in when observing distant objects. Surprisingly, the one area where Time Busters falters is the one you wouldn't expect it to - sound. Ambient '50s-era music makes up the majority of the game's soundtrack, but it never really sets a mood that's appropriate to the time period or geographic location in question. There's a great deal of character speech and verbal interaction, especially during the lengthier FMV snippets, but the usually vocal Bugs is disturbingly quiet a great deal of the time.

If not for footsteps and the occasional yell, all you'd ever hear is the steady flow of a stream or the ramblings of an errant monkey. To be blunt, the game's auditory excitement level could be higher. Despite its ineffectual audio, Bugs & Taz: Time Busters does an excellent job of capturing the humor and personality that the Looney Tunes franchise embodies. Fans of Lost in Time will have a wonderful time with the sequel, while previous holdouts may find just enough excitement in the dual-persona feature to warrant an impulse purchase. Children, on the other hand, are going to eat this game up.

Smashing their way through time. A loose sequel to, Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters is a 2000 video game based on the franchise released for the and PC. The story begins when Daffy Duck, working as an exterminator, pays a visit to Granny, and accidentally breaks her massive time machine, the Time Regulator. He and its stabilizing crown jewel, the Time Gem, are sent into the distant past, leaving the machine unstable and scattering denizens of the various eras of history across time. Bugs is strong-armed by Granny into retrieving not only Daffy and the Time Gem, but also the countless gears scattered throughout history. He's not alone, however. Granny sends along her precious pet Taz to aid Bugs in his quest.

What could possibly go wrong? What follows is a long, epic quest across history to save time itself, and Bugs and Taz chase Daffy through four different eras — those of the Aztecs, the Vikings, the Arabians, and the Transylvanians. The two work to collect the gears, return temporally displaced characters to their era, and battle local villains that get in their way.

Bugs Bunny And Taz Time Busters Game For Sale

The player(s) must solve various puzzles in order to progress; some puzzles only solvable by one of the heroes, and some only solvable by teamwork. Granny and Tweety will also check in with the heroes on their quest and teach them new abilities that will aid in their quest. Each 'era' is accessible through Granny's homestead, Granwich, and each era has several smaller locations accessible through a main hub area, as well as several mini-games. Each era ends with a boss fight with the lord of the era — Yosemite Sam for the Aztec Era, Elmer Fuddinson for the Viking Era, Babba Chop for the Arabian Era, and Count Bloodcount serves as the final boss of the game through the Transylvanian era.: If you collect all of the collectibles and finish every side-quest, you get the best possible ending: the Time Regulator is restored, the gates to each era are sealed forever, and Daffy is saved from Count Bloodcount. But reduced to an insect-size version of himself.: Bugs can snipe things with carrots.: Elmer, due to being able to summon the power of Thor, is much more dangerous than most of his previous appearances in fiction. Bugs and Taz themselves possibly qualify, given they're fighting off hordes of minions, apes, ghosts, etc. Count Bloodcount: Good evening.

My, aren't you a delicious-looking duck?.: The Moon Valley and Elmer's Domain in the Viking Era; and the entirety of the Transylvanian Era (subverted in one segment when Bugs and Taz have to turn it from the peaceful day to the scary night).: The suits of armor in Count's castle will attack you if you get too close.: Each of the four reigning villains qualify. There are also minor bosses in each realm.: In the Transylvanian era, the final location of the game, the Lost in Time characters hail from the Aztec era, the game's first location, since previous LIT characters hailed from the next era you were to enter. On a smaller note, Daffy makes appearances in each era's opening cutscene, then disappears until it's time to fight the boss.: The in the Arabian Era. While they don't wear clothes, Bugs and Taz wear hilarious outfits that give off this impression.: While not a malevolent antagonist, Daffy and his greed drive the game's plot.

Meanwhile, the four main villains of the eras all directly oppose him, usually because he either mocks them or tries to make off with their riches. Count Bloodcount, on the other hand.: You can be attacked by absurdly top-heavy wolves in the Moon Valley.: Granny serves as this, monitoring your progress, teaching you helpful abilities and granting you access to the next playable era.: Bugs is the brains to Taz's brawn.: When he takes refuge in the Count's lab, Daffy drinks a potion that turns him into a hulking monster that loyally serves the Count.: Elmer when attacking you. Elmer: Stwike the wabbit!!