Windows Vista Black Screen After Login No Task Manager

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  1. Vista Black Screen After Updates
  2. Windows Vista Black Screen After Login

Hi there, I am running a Toshiba Satellite A135 with Windows Vista Home Premium SP1. Actually, this is my SO's computer and it ISN'T running. A while back it started blanking out completely after he logged in. I am the more computer-savvy one, so I said I would give it a look. I did, and so far, I am at a loss. Post-login, all I see is a black screen and a white arrow/cursor.

Vista Black Screen After Updates

After letting my Windows Vista install an automatic update. Vista goes to black screen after login Hello, after letting. New Task - type in EXPLORER. 10 related questions.

When I start in Safe Mode I see the black screen, cursor, and the Safe Mode banners. I have looked online (on a different computer) and all the fixes I can find direct users to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to get to the task manager.

Unfortunately, nothing happens when I do this. Other posts say that this is a problem with the user account. But I can't try a different user account because there isn't one. My SO never set an alternate user account up. For my part, I don't know how to set one up pre-login - so changing the UA settings is a no-go. I have even tried using the 'Ease of Access' feature (to see if he changed the monitor settings or something ridiculous) but I can hit the link all the live-long day and nothing happens.

Windows Vista Black Screen After Login

Does anyone have any troubleshooting advice for me? NaWaiLohi PS: I have run a memory diagnostic (from startup) and (apparently) there is nothing to see there.

Hi, Can you access Safe Mode? Repeatedly tap F8 as you boot? If so you can try Control Panel - Device Manager - Display Adapter - Double Click on - Driver tab - click UPDATE driver - then Right Click on Device and UNINSTALL - REBOOT. Another method to try to access the desktop (try in both regular Windows and Safe Mode) is to CTRL + ALT + DEL and on Process Tab find EXPLORER.exe and END PROCESS on it - then on Applications Tab - lower right - New Task - type in EXPLORER.exe. First check this thread in case its a simple one and if not come back to this thread.

Black screen issues are extremely tough to repair and any fix is usually on a hit or miss basis. That there is no information on a black screen like there is on a blue screen just adds to the difficulty. Often using a restore point nor startup repair will have any effect. You can try a google to see suggested repairs some of which have worked however these cover a wide field of efforts. Here is a video of one fix. Here is another fix Do you have a Vista Disk?

You can try System Restore from it. If you do not have the disks your system maker will sell them cheap. How to Do a System Restore in Vista You can create a Recovery Disk or use someone else same version (to do the System Restore it only has to be bootable). How to Create a Vista Recovery Disc - These require the correct Vista Disks since you can't boot to Safe Mode. Try Startup Repair - This tells you how to access the System Recovery Options and/or with a Vista Disk Try StartUp Repair from Recovery Options How to do a Startup Repair - Here are Google searches where several have found different solutions: Vista Black Screen - check this one 1st Vista Black Screen Solution Vista Black Screen Fix - If needed and you can access regular Windows at all. You can try an In-Place Upgrade (hopefully saves programs and data) or a repair installation (hopefully saves data and will have to reinstall programs). Be sure to do a good backup or three.

You can use another's DVD as they are not copy protected however you will need you own Product Key. In-Place Upgrade If nothing works you can do a repair installation which should save data however you will have to reinstall programs. This also requires the correct Vista disks especially for OEM versions. You will need to know your Product Code. This tells you how to access the System Recovery Options and/or from a Vista DVD How To Perform a Repair Installation For Vista - Another method that sometimes works: In the Command Prompt of a Vista boot disk type: (type one line or copy and paste one line at a time and then hit enter - do not type parenthesis or BOLD) c: cd cd c: Windows System32 winevt (there is a space between cd and C: ) ren Logs LogsOLD (there are spaces between ren and Logs and Logsold) REBOOT to Windows Hope this helps. Rob - Bicycle - Mark Twain said it right. Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP - Windows and Devices for IT 2010 - current Windows Insider MVP 2016 - current.

Well, A Vista issue. A perfectly working Vista machine, on startup after login we go to a black screen with a cursor in normal or safe mode, thought it might be busy, but ran all night and never completely booted up, if ctl-alt-del, you can log off normal, and shut down or restart. Unfortunately I was a MS dummie and never made a sys restore point, but beyond that this should not happen, and I am probally not the only one. 14 November 07, still getting replies so I thought it was correct to update my post and give some more info. To the contrary, I am really not a MS dummie, I just did not take the 'correct' precautions like many of us and did not have a sys restore on this particular box, and 'odd' or 'normal' enought I had basically the same issue with another box, but with the restore I bailed myself out, not once but twice.

Explorer would not open, so with a cltr-alt-delete I got to task manger, then using tab to a help menu, then keyed down to open a help link, which opened explorer, then, found c: drive, then icon for control panel, then. So, in both machines I quit trying to fix it and reloaded Windows. But this was an interesting issue and I spent a great deal of time via Tech Net and MSDN forums and many searches. Its not happened since, but I have sys restores on all of my machines. We all should keep an eye on this issue, no idea why its happening, as they say maybe after SP1 it will go away, I have not installed SP1 yet, but will update my post if it happens again. And thank you all for the responses. and any resolve other than re-installing windows would be great to know about.

Thank you in advance. Tempicek wrote: did you manage to solve the problem? Does anybody know what really caused this?Anybody knows about this issue? It's pretty urgent. I'm also having the same problem. I have multiple login screens, and it only does this on one of my family members' accounts right now. I'm trying to fix this issue.

I've deleted the account in question and made a new one for that person, and all that did was turn the screen from black to blue, and give me (seemingly) unrelated errors about msoe.dll, which I've read have something to do with outlook/microsoft mail. As of right now I'm scanning for spyware, but from the looks of it I don't think it's gonna find anything. Especially since it scans every night. I don't know how long it's been doing this because usually that family member just uses my account since it's almost always logged on.

I'm using an AMD Athlon64 3000+ with an nVidia geforce 6200 on Vista Ultimate. To get out of their account I have to CTRL+ALT+DEL and log off, then on to mine, where everything works, no errors. I was also questioning a few things on my computer. I seem to be having a whitescreen when I boot up the computer and it may take a few times rebooting the computer to get it to get to the login menu. Also after I manage to get to that screen, I log in on any of the profiles and all I get is a window with all my folders and desktop icons, but no start menu, background, etc. I recently found out if I open up task mgr and start new task, type in explorer, it only temporarily fixes the problem and goes black if I log out and back on again.

Does anyone have any solutions or suggestions to either of my problems? I had this problem happening as well - had to use Ctrl-Alt-Del to access the process lists and manually activate explorer.exe - only to use System Restore to restore everything back to normal.

(fixed it but I was quite lucky to have it work) but I hope those with this problem would try this suggestion I have which is to run regedit.exe and proceed to the following registry hive: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon Look for the String Value ' Shell' and it should contain the data value of: ' explorer.exe' (w/o the quotes) I have yet to try this solution once I re-experience another blank mouse moving screen problem again with my Vista in future. I was hoping one who has the problem now should try to test my solution and report back if this solution really worked out? I have a Vista Machine that has a simular issue, but it seems to be related to account priviledges and rights. I have one account that is able to logon and operate normally as far as I can tell. But the other accounts on the system would only get a Black Screen, with a live cursor on logon.

When I bring up TaskMgr and try to run explorer, nothing happens. It seems the session does not have the permissions to even run explorer. (Although LiveOneCare is able to run!) I removed my non-working accounts and have re-added new accounts. The only difference is the black screen on the new accounts is blue. This seemed to start several month ago after installing AIM.

My system restore at that point didn't clear the issue, and I must have 100 hours in trying to resolve this. My next step is to try and import a working Default User Profile from another system. MS Support moved me through one set of issues on this that ended up being a sympton rather than a cause. Does anyone have any ideas that might help? I had exactly the same problem.

Vista would boot up give a black screen with a white mouse cursor. I tried all the boot options they give exactly the same results.

CTRL+ALT+DEL, CTRL+ESC and CTRL+R do not have any effect. Left the machine running for a day without any effect. The solution I had was to boot from the Vista disk, select a repair, and then open the command prompt. You will need to find out which drive your copy of windows is as the drive mappings might have changed, mine had moved to the D: drive.

Then I ran RSTRUI /OFFLINE:: WINDOWS from the command prompt. Luckily I had a system restore point from 10 days before, I selected this to restore.

My Machine rebooted and all is ok. As advised by Jungleboy, this black screen bug can only be recovered if you have a system restore point (alternatively a full backup). I had SP1 installed so this is not fixed in SP1. I have been researching this issue for days. I have tried all the approaches (making sure explorer.exe was in the winlogo/shell key, eliminating optional startup programs from the registry, etc) but nothing worked. Until i saw a post to use Devmgmt.msc and make the video driver go back to standard VGA.

To be clear, my problem was that vista booted fine, but when i logged on, i got the blank screen with only the cursor visible. Ctl-alt-del did nto work. Nothing came up. Safe boot also did not work unless i selected the one with the command prompt.

Oddly enough, i could run most programs from this but never the desktop. And taskmgr or explorer did not run either. But from the command prompt, Devmgmt.msc did work.

I used the device manager to change the video driver to standard VGA (for me that was to rollback the driver). After a reboot, i am finally up and running. I hope this helps someone else. Hi All, I m facing a serious problem with my Windows Vista premium Home edition installed in my HP Laptop. When I start booting my laptop it shows me the Log in screen wherein I can see profiles of Administrator and guest. When I log into any of these profiles, within a timespan of 1 min I get a blank/black screen which does not show the desktop.

When I press alt+ctrl+delete, I can see the GUI with options such as task manager, log off, switch user etc. I pressed F8 before booting and tried to start the system in safe mode but unfortunately with that also I was unable to view the screen and it was totally blank with only cursor. Please suggest me how to resolve this problem, I m really worried for my laptop.

Hello hpoe you are well heard you were having some problems, not to sure if you have tried this yet but you can see if ti works but only if the next is true -you have tried a reinstall of vista. The reson why i ask is because it sounds like there is not enough space on your drive for vista to load correctly therefore either your boot manager is damaged or your files are corrupted if you can acces the start menu click on computer in c drive locate winold and delete files then preform a disk clean up and restart check for updates and install sp1 let me know how you get on.

Hullo all, This problem is most probably a software installation/update related. And if this is what it is then it must be reversed in order to put things right. Talking about restoration to an earlier date. As windows vista boots, press f8 to bring up the boot menu, and choose safe mode with command prompt. (Other safe mode options may be just as painful as normal windows, but if they are good, then go ahead and use them). Login with an administrator account and at the command prompt, run explorer.exe. This should show you the desktop after a while.

Follow Start -All Programs-Accesories- System tools- System Restore. Choose a restoration point that you are had the best settings, it can the one just before your computer started acting. Go through the steps of the restoration. In the end your system will reboot and you should be good to go. Let me know what happens

I have this same problem if you control alt delete and run new task explorer.exe then everything starts up. I did this many times and recently my microsoft office product would litererally take 5 minuttes to load up. Also when i log on it says it cannot connect to service host. Not sure what that mean. Lastly, this all seemed to start when i installed SP1. So much for that fixing problems.

I think i am going to reinstall windows once i find my copy and get a new keyboard which is not destroyed thanks to this problem. I was able to fix by pressing SHIFT 5 TIMES at the black screen. A dialog popped up for sticky keys. Clicking the link for advanced settings started an explorer and allowed entering commands in the address bar. A good one to try is C: windows system32 msconfig.exe or if you want to edit services manually c: windows system32 services.msc The point being, shutdown all services and startup items and work backward. I found that the Event Log Service was hanging the startup due to corrupt event log files.

Windows Vista Black Screen After Login No Task Manager

I manually deleted them. And the black screen problem went away. Too bad it took two FULL days of hacking to find this fix. Hope its helpful. Kzsmtkts wrote: I was able to fix by pressing SHIFT 5 TIMES at the black screen. A dialog popped up for sticky keys. Clicking the link for advanced settings started an explorer and allowed entering commands in the address bar.

A good one to try is C: windows system32 msconfig.exe or if you want to edit services manually c: windows system32 services.msc The point being, shutdown all services and startup items and work backward. I found that the Event Log Service was hanging the startup due to corrupt event log files. I manually deleted them. And the black screen problem went away. Too bad it took two FULL days of hacking to find this fix. Hope its helpful. I had the EXACT same problem as you but i was able to start up msconfig using safe mode w/ command prompt it took me a couple hours to figure out that it was the event log service that caused my black screen so i disabled it.

Wierd thing is that zonealarm would not start up. The truevector internet monitor (vsmon) service would not let me turn it back on in the services window so i had to reinstall zonealarm anyways. Do i really need Event Log Service? Where did you go to delete those files? And for everyone else. Kzsmtkts is right.

At least for people with a service problem to find out whats causing your black screen, follow the steps below step 1. Somehow get to your msconfig window (either by shift keys or use safe mode w/ command prompt) step 2. In the diagnostic tab, click the diagnostic startup option and hit ok/apply step 3. Restart your computer - by this time you should be logged in to your account w/ no black screen, but dont celebrate yet. You wont be able to do anything step 4. Go to your start menu and search for 'Services' - you should be looking at a window with a huge list.known causes.

(at least to my knowledge) - Windows Event Log - Windows Image Acquisition disable these services one at a time and restart your computer after each time hopefully one of these was causing your black screen and you can go about fixing the problem but if youre unfortunate and still get the black screen, then continue on to step 5 step 5. Double click on each of the first 20 items and change the startup type to 'automatic' step 6. Restart your computer step 7. If you get no black screen, repeat steps 4 and 5 for the next 20 or so items then restart your computer - eventually you should log in to a black screen step 8. When you DO get a black screen, then get back to your msconfig window (step 1) step 9.

In your msconfig window, go to your services tab and look at the most recent batch of services that you modified to 'automatic' - now most likely, the service thats causing the black screen is currently 'running' step 10. For each service that is 'running' uncheck the box only for that service and restart your computer. repeat for each 'running' service until you are able to log in to your account with no black screen step 11. Go back to your services window and change all the disabled services to 'automatic,' except for the one that caused the black screen optional step 12. Fix the problem. Like kzsmtkts, he deleted his corrupt files which i have yet to do - after which you should be able to change the problem-causing service back to automatic with no black screen problems optional step 13. If you have one or more services that has been disabled and wont let you change to 'automatic,' then you might have to reinstall the program associated with that file.

For example, look at what i said about my zonealarm above.note about steps 4 and 5. when i went into services tab on msconfig, the only services that showed up were the ones that were not disabled in the Services window.

So if youre different and all of your services actually show up in msconfig, then just go through your list and check them off 20 at a time remember, yours may not be the Event Log service thats causing the problem like what happened to us so be patient because that services list is very long and if you dont have a good amount of RAM, it may take a very long while hope this helps! I've had the same problem today on a friend's computer. The problem was caused by Itune & Quicktime. Here are the steps I took. Reboot PC into Safemode with Command Prompt 2. Type 'msconfig' at the prompt 3. Chose 'Diagnostic Startup' in MSconfig 4.

Restarted PC 5. Opened Program and Features in Windows Vista and sorted by install date. The lastest installations were Quicktime, Itune, and some form of Apple Update. Uninstalled all Apple related software that were installed recently 7. Went back into MSconfig and chose Normal Startup, this should re-enable all services and startup items.

Disable any trace of Apple Quicktime and Itune that were left on the startup list 8. Restart the PC and things went back to normal. Jungleboy, Not sure if you would be reading this reply but I got the solution based on your trick.

I was facing the exact same issue. Getting BLACK SCREEN after ctrl+alt+del. Here's what I did. I booted the system in safe mode and sure enough, I was getting the black screen here as well. Then I did ctrl+alt+del and chose TASK MANAGER.

From there, I went to the HELP MENU and keyed in SYSTEM RESTORE. I got the option to take me to SYSTEM RESTORE screen. Fortunately, I had a RESTORE POINT from 2 days back. I chose it and performed the system restore.

The system restarted and booted up just fine. Was able to get the desktop this time and was able to access everything. Thanks a tonne Jungleboy.

Just had this happen to me. After a few days of frustration I came across this post.

For some reason I decided to try something. I have some of my programs installed on an external hard drive.

This hard drive sometimes dissapears. I thought I would give this a try, so after getting the black screen with nothing but the mouse, I turned off the external hard drive, and that allowed vista to continue to load and it worked again. This makes me happy but I should probably try and figure out the underlying cause of it. I have this same problem with the black screen after login. In my case I don't even have the mouse cursor on screen.

I have been working on this issue for the last couple days with no success, been trying different suggestions from different sites. Until I try the method above from 'Timothy A.

Saja', by uninstalled the video device driver and reinstalled again work for me!! (my video driver is NVIDIA) Thanks, finally the mystery solved for me as well. The above fix worked for me too.

I had a similar problem while logging into windows vista. The login screen was Black.

I had two accounts and i was able to login into one of the accounts even though the login screen was black (by using the arrow keys and hitting enter). After logging in the desktop was visible.

I uninstalled the display drivers (NVIDIA) and when restarted it was fine and i was able to view the login screen and both the accounts. I have been working on this one. It usually seems to be assosiated with a recient 3ddirectx, direct3d pacaged with another software downlod but not allways. Mostly XP and erly vista systems are affected. The older vidio cards cant run thelayerd 3d graphics effic. If you leave that black screen there for a while you may get a Drect3d or sym 3d vid drivr /vidio card difficulty.

But first, what op/system are you running? Post all the details you can, sometimes you can get s a half black and white screen. I'll check back and post appropriate fix. I had this issue after a crashed SP2 install. The laptop came up and then you could login but you got a black screen even in safe mode.

I could get sticky keys, ctrl, alt, del screen but just a black screen after logon.Ihano system restore points or anything. Having done a big of searching and trying various things, I found this to be a combination of corrupt temp files / hard drive. To get rid of these I booted from the Vista DVD and selected the 'Repair Your Computer' option from the 1st screen. If you then go to the 'Command Prompt' option you can then navigate and delete all the temp files from the%system drive% windows temp directory and then the%username% appdata local temp directories. There are are a few different temp directories hidden in this structure, so you can try more if you want. To locate more, try using dir.tmp /s from the command prompt. Don't worry too much about the directories, I found that just getting rid of the files seemed to be enough.

Change to X: before the next bit or you may get an error on the chkdsk command. After that, I performed a chkdsk c: /r on the C: drive (as that was the drive letter for my windows partition) and let it run. When it's finished I typed exit and rebooted the PC. I found that the system came back up no problems after this and I was able to carry on as normal. Not suggesting that this is the total solution but I have seen a few of these and this has been the only one I have managed to fix without a re-install. I haven't managed to find a definitive solution / cause to it as there are so many different scenarios!!

Hope this helps someone anyway. Don't be afraid to ask if I can help, I will1 Cheers, BigDaddyCainer.


I have just experienced this exact problem myself on a Dell Studio laptop that I was working on for somebody else. The original problem was that I couldn't install Vista service pack 2 using the update that had been automatically downloaded by Windows update. So I installed the service pack from a DVD that I already had. The service pack installed without any problem but there was an increasingly frequent problem with the computer loading a black screen with only a white cursor after logging on (this definitely started after running a disk check). The task manager won't run, so I can't see what is hanging up the system, all I can do is log off again. The interesting thing was that I was able to log on as another user with a limited account and everything would appear normal, so thinking that it was a problem with the administrator account, I created a new administrator and found that it has the same problem.

Uninstalling the video driver in safe mode seemed to work at first because explorer loads but I can't get the new driver I downloaded to install. When logging on in normal mode I still can't get the task manager to appear and the control panels freeze up when trying to change settings. I have disabled User Account Control and Windows Defender all to no avail. I would like to add that I think that Vista is a (any words I use to describe it will be censored) OS - Thank Microsoft (or God if you prefer) for Windows 7!

I think that I will have to recommend that the owner of the computer write off Vista as a bad joke. Problem solved: I should have added that just prior to running the disk check I had installed a new Internet Security program on the computer. I eventually solved the problem by using msconfig to disable any services associated with the internet security suite. Then after a re-start the computer was running normally.

This confirmed that the real problem was the internet security suite. So the next step was to uninstall and re-install the internet security suite. This worked to fix the black screen problem completely. Now all I had to do was get the video driver re-installed and get rid of an error message that started appearing after I installed a video driver with the Catalyst Control Centre.

This caused framework error (even after the control centre was removed). The answer to that problem was to install a video driver provided by Dell that didn't include the control centre and do a search on the error message. The search provided a way of fixing the error and everything was now really back normal. Hi everyone, Recently I got the same problem. What I have done is, after logging in I pressed 'shift' key five times and a window came.

From there I clicked on the link 'go to.' Somewhat like that. So I got another window. That was a sub window of control panel. In the address bar I typed '' without quotes. So got the command prompt. Also in the control panel window, I also tried typing 'explorer.exe' without quotes.

So I was able to view my desktop. And a pop-up window of antivirus came with a message that 'C: windows system32 autorun.ini' is infected with spyware. So i again went to command prompt and managed to view the content of that 'autorun.ini' file by entering the following: attrib -r -h -a autorun.ini type autorun.ini that shows me the content of the autorun.ini.

I deleted the exe file mentioned in that. It was in system32 folder. And edited the content of autorun.ini to null value. And restarted my laptop.

This worked for me nice. And scanned the laptop using avira. Got many infection and cleared. So no more black screen. Try this and enjoy. Another option is that boot from hiren boot cd and use mini xp to boot the pc.

You can delete the autorun.ini and its files. You can download hiren boot cd iso image by clicking here: thanks and regards.

I`m sorry to tell you but im getting this black screen problem in windows 7 right now. Thougth i`d just mentionD Sorry to hear that you have had a similiar problem with Win7.

I say similiar because from reading the proposed solutions in this thread there appears to be a number different causes of the problem. There are however a couple of common steps to solving it: 1. Removing the video driver in safe mode 2. Using msconfig to disable services to identify the the cause of the problem I have been using Win7 at work and at home for around 8 months now (through the beta and rc stages and now rtm) and I consider it a vast improvement over Vista in performance and features. I hope you solved your problem.

Did you try to Press F8 during bootup and opt to load the last known good configuration? Hi When it boots up into the black screen, Select task manager,File,New Task (run), browse, My Computer C: Windows explorer.exe The machine will then boot up normally with all icons on desktop as it was. It would seem it does not find the run comand for explorer.exe, I do this everytime I shut my machine down and it was after I installed software that it did this. If anyone knows a way around this please send suggestions. In my case the black screen after login was caused by a new virus. Find the info to it here: Basically it cludges the HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogo shell key and causes no end of problems. I'd love to find the fatherless person who writes these things and take a day out of their life in return for the day I've lost trying to fix their.

Hope this saves you some time. Ok so this is what you do. When your screen logs on and everything turns black except your mouse hit the shift key 5 times. There should be an error message that comes up asking if you want to use the sticky key. Once that comes up there is a option to select yes or no.

Windows vista black screen after login

Right above them two is another option that is under lined. Click that link. Once the next screen appears it will look like if you went to start then computer. Go to the drop down list (right next to the little computer or back and forward icon), once this has been done click on Computer, Local Disk, and then select Windows. Locate the file Explorer. If your computer is working real good you can just do a search and locate Explorer.

Double click explorer and your desktop will show. Once all this is done go update your graphics card, run a virus scan and try and reboot if not do this process over and look for some settings under Msconfig. Hope this helps you. Just managed to sort this problem out on an HP latop running Vista Home (32 bit). In normal mode after loging in the screen was balck with a moveable cursor.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc brought up the task manager, on the process tab Explorer was running - ending the Explorer process and then going to Apllication and using New Task Explorer.exe would load up the task bar and desktop but nothing much was working. Starting in Safe mode worked and loaded desktop OK, tried uninstalling the Display adapter driver and restarting in Normal mode - desktop loaded after login, re-installed Display Adapter driver and back to Black screen after login. Started again in Safe mode and checked event logs - all showing last events several days ago, flushed all event logs and tried another restart in normal mode - everything working again, it appears the machine was hanging every time it tried to write an event back to the event log! There's a very easy fix for this issue. Ctrl+Alt+Del Open Task Manager Click on the processes tab Select explorer.exe then click End Task Click the File Menu and select New Task (run) Type in explorer.exe and click OK Windows should finish booting up at this point.

From here you can check video and resolution settings, uninstall and reinstall video drivers, whatever was the problem. It would also be a good idea to run check disk For Check Disk (chkdsk) you must run the command utility as adminstrator Start-Computer C: Drive - Windows - System32 - Right click on cmd.exe and left click on run as administrator Click yes to allow the program to run in administrative mode Type 'chkdsk /f' It will tell you 'Cannot lock current drive. Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? ' Hit the Y Key and hit Enter. Chkdsk will run on the next reboot and fix any problems it encounters.

Hi, the answer is that one of the startup applications or one of the services is knocking out the display drivers. Your screen may go blank but the OS is still running in the background (behind the blank screen). Certainly try to reinstall any drivers you wish as stated by the other messages written on this board. However, for the majority of users this may not resolve the issue.

The following steps are needed to identify which service or application is causing the problem Boot up in to Safe mode. Start-Run-type in msconfig.exe and (now the dull part) unselect (or disable) all Services and Startup applications. Reboot into normal mode (ie not safe mode) - If you computer launched successfully then one of the many services or applications caused the problem. Go to the Start-Run-type in msconfig.exe and select Enable all the Startup applications.

Reboot into normal mode (ie not safe mode). If your computer launched successfully then one of the many SERVICES caused the problem. You have so far eliminated half the processes that could have caused the problem.

Keep on going, launching between Normal mode - did your computer start, and Safe mode - what shall I enable and disable next. For me it was the 'Windows Even Log' service that was interfering. For everyone else it might be a different application or service.

You just have to work your way through the long list to identify the culprit. Easy but dull. Have fun, there is always a solution - its called 'gooey test'.

Ok so I dont know if this applies to anyone else with this problem. But I recently had this issue where right after I logged in to vista my monitor would go black. I realized it would actually turn off on me. I did not know what the reason was and thought it was a random update or so. BUT.I solved it on myside and hoping this will solve others with this quirky problem. With my laptop it turned out it had the Screen mode on.

Where it thought I was wanting it to connect to another Monitor and all I had to do was Function F4 (Toggle on Screen mode or Monitor Mode). And now it works great! I know I did not set this mode to screen mode and so that was the reason it was such a mystery to me. One day I turned it off and then the next day it would go black right after login. So try Toggling the Monitor Mode on your laptops.

Good Luck to everyone else.