Download Multiplayer Piano Hack

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  1. Multiplayer Piano Songs

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So I've noticed a lot of DarkRP servers have a playable piano thing. Know it's not really a hack but it's a cool idea. Many other multiplayer. The Massively Multiplayer Piano. A Music Hack Day: London 2013 hack by Alex Pounds. Your TEAM has to play a CHORD. You can only play one NOTE.

Download Multiplayer Piano Hack

Multiplayer Piano Songs

Be careful, Just Cheat a game. Hack-Cheat Team.

The link for download is in the page, find it! The Massively Multiplayer Piano A hack by for. You gather in rooms, and the game challenges you to play chords. It gets harder as time goes on.

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It's built using Node.js, in CoffeeScript. It also uses, which is a huge thing to pull in but it was super-easy to use. Excuses The MMP was built in less than 24 hours for Music Hack Day, while running on far too much caffeine and sugar. It's probably not very good code. This is the first ever Node.js app I've ever built. I didn't really read any tutorials beforehand. I knew it was event-driven and I'd seen a few bits of example code; that was enough for me to muddle through.