Simple Java Project Source Code

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  1. Free Java Project
  2. Sample Java Project Source Code

Here is a compilation of all the Java projects and mini projects published in this site. All the projects are available with source code for free download! The projects listed here are mostly advanced projects developed using Java and many of these, but not all, use Oracle 10g database These can be downloaded in Eclipse, Netbeans, and Myeclipse IDEs. Nowadays, a lot of java projects – applications and software are developed in core Java, JSP, servlet, struts, spring and hibernate technology. The ones in the following listing are developed using these technologies based on the type and scope of the project. All these projects can be used as semester or graduation project by CSE and B.Tech final year students. Java Projects: The list below includes Java final year projects as well as mini projects built as either simple applications, big web-applications, or software. Almost all these Java projects have source code and database in the download file.

In addition to source code and database, many projects are also available with project documentation, report, and paper presentation (ppt). Projects available for download with project reports and documentations have SRS including objectives and scopes of the project, users of the proposed system and their role, system design explanation, functional and non-functional requirements, etc. Also, you can find system design diagrams and project screenshots in the documentation. We’ve also included project manuals in many projects; this document will guide you to run the project.

For projects without documentation and report, you can refer the project introduction in respective post of each project as project synopsis. Only a few projects in this listing are without source code – only project report, and these are presented here just for the sake of reference.

Some Interesting Java Project Ideas: In addition to the topics aforementioned, here are some interesting project ideas and topics for final year students who’re looking forward to doing their graduation project in Java. Some of these topics would suit simple java programs, games, and mini projects as well. Choose the topic based on the scope and nature of your project.


Java Coding Samples Java Coding Samples Various Java programs to illustrate various concepts. A Java program. A sample of how to call methods in the same class. A simple example of using for loops to calculate factorial. Uses the built in int data type so only good to 13!.: An example that shows the behavior of value parameters. In Java all parameters are passed by value.

A few brief examples of String manipulations. A program with examples of various Java syntax that converts a base 10 int to base 2 String. A program with various approaches to determine if an int is prime or not.

Used to demonstrate Java syntax. You need the class, a non standard Java class, as well. A simplified version of filtering a picture represented by ints. Very simple version of the Conway's Game of Life. Demonstration of try / catch blocks. The CIA 2008 Factbook may be downloaded from.


First version of the IntList class developed in class. Developing class to illustrate various class design and implementation issues in Java. Added default add method, equals method, and toString methods. Includes versions of toString using String concatenation and StringBuffer to illustarte performance differences. Added insert and remove methods. Inherits from InListVer3 to create a SortedIntList.

Class is 'broken' because random insertions still allowed. Altered the list to store anything, not just ints. A class that models a playing die.: This illustrates some of the more confusing concepts in class syntax and mechanics such as constructors, static vs. Instance methods, and method overloading. A class for measuring how long it takes for a program to run.

When trying to open a drawing file in AutoCAD, the following message appears: Drawing file is not valid. Start by verifying that the drawing file you are trying to. Autocad dwg drawing file not valid.

A method that using polymorphism to create a set from an array. Includes examples on finding space taken up by files in a directory including all files in all subdirectories, recursive factorial, recursive power, recursive Fibonacci numbers, and a simple knapsack problem.

Code to find a a solution to an N queens problem. Note the queensAreSafe method has not been completed. Determine if airlines can be moved from airline to another based on network of airline partners. Another example of recursion from the game minesweeper. Changed the GenericList class so that it implements the interface in order to demonstrate how to implement an using an inner class.

Changed GenericList so it is generic based on Java generics syntax instead of relying on Object. A singly linked node class used to build linked lists. A simple list interface. Similar to the LinkedList developed in class. Does not contain all the methods you would expect of a LinkedList.

Free Java Project

Also implements the iterator remove method in O(N) time. An O(1) time remove method is possible. An unsorted set that uses a hashtable with closed address hashing to store values. Currently only the add method is implemented. A method to compare Java's TreeSet and HashSet to the BianrySearchTree, UnsortedSet, and UnsortedHashSet classes developed in class. Note you need a lot of other files for this to work. Program demonstrating use of a map to count the frequency of words in a file.

Sample Java Project Source Code

Program that compares counting words in files using an ArrayList and a Map.