Patch Adams Best Friend Murdered

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The clip carin was murdered from Patch Adams (1998) with Daniel London, Robin Williams Patch. You just got a telephone call. Dean Anderson wants to see you in his office immediately.

Patch Adams Wife Murdered

Walcott found out about our borrowed supplies. Ye of little faith. Dean Anderson, I know what this is all about, and I assure you, sir- Sit down. Something happened last night. Carin Fisher was murdered. She was with Lawrence Silver. There was a shotgun involved, and then he turned the gun on himself.

Jesus Christ, Patch, I'm sorry. I know she was a friend. If there's, um, anything I can do- Hell of a deal. 'Into Your hands, O Merciful Savior.

Patch Adams Best Scene


Patch Adams is a 1998 semi-biographical. Patch's best friend and most. But is analogous to a real life friend of Adams (a man) who was murdered under similar.

Best Friend Definition

  • Dec 13, 2009 The Skeptical Samurai. Patch Adams Hunter. The main difference was that the person killed was Patch’s MALE best friend!
  • Patch Adams is a 1998 semi-biographical. Patch's best friend and most. But is analogous to a real life friend of Adams (a man) who was murdered under similar.