Lean Games Smed

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Hi I have attached some small pictures of 'Little Bertha' that we use as a simulation for SMED. As you can see, there is a press provided with tooling, it comes with all required tools and components and a very detailed instruction manual.

More Lean Games Smed videos. Loads of Free Lean Manufacturing Games and Simulations. Huge List of Free Lean Games! Smed (3) software (21).

Lego Lean Games

The approach we follow is the standard four step approach; Understand current situation, separate External from Internal, convert Internal to External and finally eliminate waste. The game has been used extensively in many different manufacturing environments such including automotive, aerospace, food, construction equipment etc. With some very good results.

Hope this is of use. Stuart stuart.veitch@industryforum.co.uk. Not a prepackaged kit, but I knew a group of about 4 or 5 that went to one of the member's houses and videotaped making a batch of pancakes including washing dishes. Items identified that dropped the process from just over 40 minutes to under 20 minutes included: 1.

Organization and location of mixes and utensils. Standardized instructions.

5s Lean Games


Learn Games Med Term

Pre-heated stoves and dishwashing while making and baking. Pre-measured mixes A later exercise applied basic DOE to identify different variables and their impact on pancake taste, texture, etc and tying them to different customer's desires. Thin and well done).