World Of Warcraft Patch 4.0.1

Posted on  by admin

World of Warcraft Client Patch 4.1.0 - Last Updated Monday, April 12, 2011. World of Warcraft Client Patch 4.0.1 The latest patch notes can always be found at The latest test realm patch notes can.

Psycros It definitely sounds like Blizzard is playing the Nost team for all their worth. There's been a back room deal that goes like this: shut down the private servers and we'll think seriously about either putting up official ones or providing some limited support for an officially endorsed Nostalrius.

Of course Blizzard has absolutely no intention of following through on either - their exploiting the everlasting hopes of the vanilla-loving faithful. Nost, you done got played and you better turn it araound real quick. Wanna know why only 10% of your players transferred chars?

Because your transfer system is GARBAGE and barely ever works. And that's something you and the Elysium team should KNOW if you're actually paying attention. Psycros If Blizzard really believes that nobody will play on a legacy server then why do they work SO hard to shut them down?


I mean, by their own admission their not really losing money - right?? Also, why do they ONLY go after the 'Blizzlike' servers rather than all those instant-80 TBC ones?

Blizzard Entertainment

Could it be that they know full well the old experience was more rewarding but the only WoW they want available is the cash shop extravaganza? If they had ANY brains they would release a legacy server with the WoW 2.0 user interface and conveniences (guild banks, etc). That was as good as it got IMO.