Download Microsoft Datagrid Control 6.0 Free Software

Posted on  by admin
ControlMicrosoft datagrid control 6.0

Thanks for your reply Bob. I did try without resetting the datacontext - but it didn't work. In my main window, I've a vertical TabControl with three items in it, and in each of this item there is a horizontal TabControl with multiple items in it. So my user controls are hosted in the horizontal tab items - like you see the example above.

Is it possible that it doesn't work because the way I set it up: a datagrid in usercontrol, the usercontrol in tab items under the main window? I'm guessing you would say no, but I can't think of any reasons why this wont work.

Please note, I have tried a single property in a different usercontrol and that seems to be working fine. My datagrid does get populated if I set the itemsource to an observable collection (without the MVVM way). Hi, If you need any further help you had better to upload a reproducible sample to OneDrive and post the link to it here.This will help us quickly analyze your problem. Your understanding and cooperation will be grateful. Best Regards, Bob MSDN Community Support Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' the responses that resolved your issue, and to click 'Unmark as Answer' if not. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. If you have any compliments or complaints to MSDN Support, feel free to contact.

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