Autoit Create Xml File

Posted on  by admin

Look at most relevant Autoit edit xml file websites out of 20.9 Thousand at Autoit edit xml file found at, I want to have AutoIt use the Windows API to interact with XML-files on my system. I manage to load and read from the XML-file quite well, but I am having some issues.

Delete Dir= section of.inf file IniDelete ( 'NeatImageInstall.inf', 'Setup', 'Dir' ); Rewrite Dir= section with environment variable install path IniWrite('NeatImageInstall.inf', 'Setup', 'Dir', @ProgramFilesDir & ' Neat Image'); Exectute Neat Image Setup #include RunDOS ('NeatSetup58D.exe /LOADINF=NeatImageInstall.inf /VERYSILENT') However.environment variables in.xml files (particularly deployment.xml for Adobe Photoshop CS3) are still a mystery. Can anyone shed light on environment variables in.xml files?? Thanks Acheron! That is exactly what I was looking for! You rock dude! I did some digging around in the help file and used your example to fudge my way into the right code. Here are the steps I took to get Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended slimmed down and fully functional onto any partition Windows is installed on.

The Photoshop install went MUCH quicker, the Photoshop loads WAY faster, AND the total size on the CD was reduced from 478MB to 240MB! As a bonus, the notorious Bonjour service can be completely disabled after install and activation are complete. Note: I opted out of the built-in silent install and used ScriptWriter to auto-create an AutoIT silent execuable for me. I could not figure out a way to make the silent install ONLY install the payloads I wanted. Also, I used WinRaR to extract everything to%Temp% Photoshop, and Photoshop CS3 was installed to%ProgramFiles% Adobe.

Change these paths to whatever you want! Here is how I did it. Use the following code in a.cmd file to parse the installation directory in Deployment.xml. As noted, this will install Photoshop into%ProgramFiles% Adobe. In the 'xml' line of code, note how 2 different paths were used.

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The first is the location/name of your fresh, unmodified Deployment.xml file. The second is where you would like the modified Deployment.xml file.

Also, in the next step, we will be creating an AutoIT file to silently install Photoshop CS3, so it is necessary to call that file in our batch script. To download a super tiny.exe program that will automatically disable the Bonjour Service for you! It is called TurnOffBonour.exe. To make this process completely silent, I used WPI to chain all the command installs so I didn't have to do a thing. Enjoy your speedy, slimmed-down Photshop CS3. I hope this all makes sense! I am not a coder in any way, and tend to use whatever resources I have availabe to me to make my life easy.

There are probably easier ways to do what I did, but after posting on numerous forums (AutoIT, Adobe, MSFN) this is the solution that ended up working for me.radigast Edited November 13, 2007 by radigast.

I am creating a basic installer in autoit. After compiling the script, I got the error Unable to open the script file when trying to run it.

Java Create Xml File

The Script: #Region;. Directives created by AutoIt3WrapperGUI. #AutoIt3WrapperIcon=. Resources unnamed.ico #AutoIt3WrapperOutfile=. Desktop Minecraft Server Launcher Installer.exe #AutoIt3WrapperUseX64=n #AutoIt3WrapperResFileAdd=C: Users Kristian SkyDrive Autoit Bungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe, rtrcdata, Launcher #AutoIt3WrapperResFileAdd=C: Users Kristian SkyDrive Autoit Bungee Server Launcher Licence.txt, rtrcdata, Licence #AutoIt3WrapperAddConstants=n #AutoIt3WrapperAU3CheckStopOnWarning=y #EndRegion;.

Autoit File Open

Directives created by AutoIt3WrapperGUI. #include #include #include #include #include $msgbox1 = MsgBox(36, 'Minecraft Server Launcher Installer', 'Do you want to install the Launcher?'

) If $msgbox1 = 6 Then GUICreate('Minecraft Server Launcher Installer', 373, 325) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Read the following agreement. Scroll down to view the rest of the agreement.' , 10, 10) GUICtrlCreateEdit(ResourceGetAsString('Licence'), 10, 51, 350, 191, $WSVSCROLL + $ESREADONLY + $ESMULTILINE) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Do you accept all the terms of the license agreement? Selecting No' & @CRLF & 'cancels the installation. You must accept the agreement to install.' , 10, 250) $YES = GUICtrlCreateButton('Yes', 204, 296, 75, 23) $NO = GUICtrlCreateButton('No', 290, 296, 75, 23) GUISetState(@SWSHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg Switch $msg Case $GUIEVENTCLOSE Exit Case $YES ChooseLoc Case $NO Exit EndSwitch WEnd EndIf Func ChooseLoc GUIDelete GUICreate('Minecraft Server Launcher Installer', 363, 108) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Choose Install Location', 10, 5) $INPUT = GUICtrlCreateInput('C: Program Files (x86) KnarCraft Minecraft Server Launcher', 10, 40, 255, 22) $BROWSE = GUICtrlCreateButton('Browse.'

, 275, 40, 80, 23) $CANCEL = GUICtrlCreateButton('Cancel', 275, 75, 80, 23) $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton('OK', 185, 75, 80, 23) GUISetState(@SWSHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg Switch $msg Case $GUIEVENTCLOSE Exit Case $CANCEL Exit Case $OK Install($INPUT) Case $BROWSE $FOLDER = FileSelectFolder('Choose Install Location.' , ', 7) If Not $FOLDER = ' Then GUICtrlSetData($INPUT, $FOLDER) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc;ChooseLoc Func Install($INPUT) ResourceSaveToFile(GUICtrlRead($INPUT) & ' Bungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe', 'Launcher', $RTRCDATA, 0, 1) FileCreateShortcut(GUICtrlRead($INPUT) & ' Bungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe', @DesktopDir & ' Bungee Minecraft Server') GUIDelete If Not @error Then MsgBox(36, 'Finished', 'Installation completed with no errors. Please enjoy your new software.' ) Else MsgBox(16, 'Finished', 'The installation was interrupted by an error and the software may not work.'

Php Create Xml File

) EndIf Exit EndFunc;Install I know that it's this line that creates the error: #AutoIt3WrapperResFileAdd=C: Users Kristian SkyDrive Autoit Bungee Server Launcher Licence.txt, rtrcdata, Licence But I don't know why or how to fix it. I had the same problem with: #AutoIt3WrapperResFileAdd=C: Users Kristian SkyDrive Autoit Bungee Minecraft Server Launcher.exe, rtrcdata, Launcher I know that it's the ResAdd line because if I remove that line, the error will disappear.

Closed as off-topic by, Nov 2 '17 at 5:42 This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:. 'Questions seeking debugging help (' why isn't this code working?' ) must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. – robinCTS, MikeT, www, Corvusoft, Kris Roofe If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the, please.