Winsock Problems Vista

Posted on  by admin
  1. I have a problem with Winsock's ability to set send and receive buffer sizes on Windows 7 and Vista. In my application, the Winsock setsockopt function is used to.
  2. Repair/Reset Winsock settings (Links) Most of the Internet connectivity problems arise out of corrupt Winsock settings. Netsh winsock show catalog >C.
  1. Windows 10 Winsock Repair Utility

TCP/IP stack Winsock settings in Windows may get corrupted, causing errors and problems with Internet or network connectivity. Corrupt Winsock or Windows sockets configuration can be due to a lot of reasons such as installation of a networking software, or due to virus, Trojan or malware infection, or sometime even due to disinfection of spyware by security software. Winsock defines how Windows network software should access network services, especially TCP/IP connections. When Winsock corrupts, the networking errors that you may face include unable to surf the Internet with “Page cannot be displayed” error message in Internet Explorer or other web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera and etc, even though the Fibre/DSL/ADSL/cable Internet connection is connected. Sometimes, Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service is terminated as well.

Windows 10 Winsock Repair Utility

To repair and reset the Windows (the tutorial works in all Windows and Windows Server versions, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016). To generate a log of changes made by the command, append the path to log file to the command. For example: netsh winsock reset c: winsockreset.log What netsh winsock reset command does are it resets Winsock Catalog to a clean state or default configuration. It removes all Winsock LSP (Layered Service Providers) previously installed, including the potential malfunctioned LSP that causes loss of network packets transmission failure.

So all previously-installed LSPs must be reinstalled. This command does not affect Winsock Name Space Provider entries.

I've recently run into a bad virus which (I believe) has corrupted my Winsock2. In old versions of Windows, you could easily delete the Winsock files from the registry, reboot and reinstall from the inf folder.

TCP/IP stack Winsock settings in Windows may get corrupted, causing errors and problems with Internet or network connectivity. Corrupt Winsock or Windows sockets.

However, this does not appear to be the same with Windows 7. My questions: 1. How do you test to determine if Winsock2 is corrupt?

In XP, there was a NetDiag command, which no longer works in Win 7. Are there third-party programs for fixing Winsock2 in Win 7?

Will running a 'netsh winsock reset' command reset both Winsock AND Winsock2? If not, is there an alternative method to resetting only Winsock2?

Are there registry settings listed anywhere on the web for what Winsock2 registry settings SHOULD look like? Is there a means of completely reinstalling Winsock2 in Win 7?

If you could answer any (or all;-) of these, I would be deeply indebted. Thank you, Bill. Hi sumdimguy, 1. For the first question, about determining if Winsock 2 and Winsock is corrupt: In the below article: (Refer the section “ Manual steps to determine whether the Winsock2 key is corrupted for Windows Vista users”. The steps are the same for Windows 7) 2.

To reset Winsock2, from the same link above, the next step which has Manual steps to recover from Winsock2 corruption for Windows Vista users(Holds good for Windows 7) 3. For your third question: Yes the command will reset both Winsock and Winsock2 4. Here is the location of the registry of Winsock and Winsock2: Important: The instructions below contain steps that tell you how to modify the registry.

However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it.

Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information view the article: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Winsock HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Winsock2 5. Resetting will delete the Winsock and recreates, which actually is reinstalling it completely. Thanks and Regards: Samhrutha G S - Microsoft Support.


Visit our and let us know what you think. Ok, i have windows 7 ultimate and it is partitioned with my OSX on my macbook pro, I too have an issue with the Winsock corruption. It tells me that the registry keys are gone and now i cannot connect to any network application, i can however, connect to WiFi. I have followed the steps above, and even done the fix-it option that supposedly does it for you. I have run it throught the command prompt, (it being the commands) yet to my immense displeasure, the winsock issue is being very obstanent despite the command saying it was successful, when i reboot, it says cannot connect to the web or any network applications. so i have finally returned to the forums. I have no backup for this, as i have already filled around 15Tb full of data on my external hard drives and do not want to buy a new 2TB drive for my windows partition. This computer is for work and and for school, i hope you all can help.