Kellogg Design Of Piping Systems

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Browse and Read Kellogg Design Of Piping Systems Kellogg Design Of Piping Systems Want to get experience? Want to get any ideas to create new things in your life? The Paperback of the Design of Piping Systems by M. Kellogg Company at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $25 or more!

M.w. Kellogg Design Of Piping Systems

Design of piping systems kellogg pdf

One of the best pipe stress books ever written is back in print, for a VERY affordable price. Previously, you had to hope to find someone's used, 50-year-old hardback edition for under $200. If you are looking to understand pipe stress analysis, this is a must-have for your library. This book contains a method for manual pipe stress analysis which is detailed and comprehensive, so that the reader can understand what is involved in calculating pipe stresses at various points, can work the examples, and find maximum thermal stresses, stresses due to wind load, etc. Calculation methods are compatible with ASME B31 piping codes and parallel the codes very closely. While it takes a good amount of time and effort to read, understand, and reproduce the results in the book, it's well worth the read and a useful tool to anyone needing to understand pipe stress analysis, whether you have a software license for FEA of piping systems or not. This is one of the few methods out there of obtaining maximum stresses without a computer program.

It lends itself very well to calculation in a spreadsheet. While complex systems are still better done with an FEA analysis package, the methods in this book can afford the user quicker results for simpler systems in many cases. One of the gold standard books on pipe stress and piping design.

Can someone provide me with ' M.W Kellog Limited Engineering Design Manual for piping stress analysis '? Its written by Mr.

Kellogg design of piping systems

Vasse, Chief piping engineer. I happened to see a copy of this book with one of the engineers in our company (I am not working with the above mentioned company ). However, he declined to share it with me. Its a very good manual and would be very helpful for an amateur like me. If anyone can help me out in ths matter, I will be very grateful. RE: M.W Kellog Limited piping stress analysis (Petroleum) 16 Apr 08 05:29.

Tarunstress I think that what you are looking for is very old. Until last week I did not know there was a Kellogg document that predated the 'Design of Piping Systems' that was actually published by Wiley but last week at the B31.3 Committee meetings at Puerto Rico Glynn Woods showed up with a 1941 copy of the Kellogg book (previously owned by and signed by Hank George!!!).

So now I am on a quest to add a copy of that to my collection. The 'Design of Pipe Attachments (Subject 3810)' comes directly from the Kellogg in-house piping department design manual and a copy of that is generally available on the Internet (in total, about 12 pages). As has been previously opined in this forum and elsewhere, that document gained legendary status because it addresses the design of dummy legs and other types of support trunnions and many people were looking for a 'established' bases for the design of these constructs. However, recent comparison with analyses done using the PRG FE/Pipe software has shown that the 'Subject 3810' approach does not address much that needs to be addresses and it is not applicable (not conservative enough) when desiging relatively short length trunnions attached to relatively thin walled pipe. Good that we have better tools now.

Regards, John. RE: M.W Kellog Limited piping stress analysis. Dear Mr.John, Do you meant that the Predated 'Design Piping System' that Sir Glynn Woods showed up at the B31.3 Committe meetings at puerto Rico was the same 'Design Piping System' by MW Kellogg published by Willey or different? Because if it is a Different Book/Document, it will be nice if i can add that as my Collection for reading too. And i agree with you that FE/Pipe will give more conservative result than Subject 3810 (Design of Pipe attachment), but it still a good reference for us Piping/Pipe stress Engineer. RE: M.W Kellog Limited piping stress analysis (Mechanical) 16 Apr 08 13:14. Cantiqa78 I think the book that Glynn showed me was published primarily as an in-house book in 1941.

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The data in it was updated for the version that was published by Wiley in 1955-56. The preface to my 'Revised Second Edition (circa 1956) states 'A volume bearing the title 'Design of Piping Systems', devoted solely to the study of expansion stresses and reactions in piping systems was PRIVATELY PUBLISHED by the M.W.Kellogg Company early in 1941.' (upper case letters are mine). I want a copy of the 1941 book for historical value only because it will add to my collection.

The document by 'M.W.Kellogg Ltd. Is of course of British origin and I would dearly like to communicate with Mike Vasse regarding its content (obtaining a copy for the collection would be 'smashing'). I would not term the analyses performed by FE/Pipe as 'conservative', rather I would use the term 'accurate'. The older 'M.W.Kellogg Suject 3810 document' was likely meant to be used in a select subset of design conditions and I would warn against applying that methodology to a broader range of applications than was intended by Mr. By the way, I am told that the M.W.Kellogg book 'Design of Piping Systems', Revised Second Edition is now 'out there' in its entirety on the file sharing Internet sites as a '.pdf' file. I do not believe that the original publisher will ever publish another edition of this book but the prices that Leonard Thill found on Amazon and Ebay should drop now that it is being 'file shared'.

I think Mike Cronin's observation is correct - THESE are the 'good old days'. The methodologies and tools that we have now are superior to any earlier era of piping engineering and in the last few years we have been given many excellent new books that while they provide some of the interesting history, they put that into its proper perspective by introducing the more contemporary (better and more accurate) methodologies (and I know of at least three more books that are 'works in progress').

A 50 year old book on piping engineering is good for its historical perspective, but it is certainly not worth $400 or $500 to anybody but the collector. I will temper that last opinion by saying I still like to read the old book 'Design of Piping Systems' by M.W.Kellogg (David Rossheim and his colleagues). Regards, John. RE: M.W Kellog Limited piping stress analysis (Mechanical) 17 Apr 08 07:51. John & Team BOOK RELEASE INVITATION You are invited for release of the book 'Introduction to Pipe Stress Analysis' (Author: Sockalingam Sam Kannappan, P.E.) by By Honorable Tom Reid, Mayor, Pearland, Texas At Madras Pavilion, 16260 Kensington, Sugarland, TX 77479 (1 blk N of 59 on Hwy 6—Across from Super Target, Phone 281-491-3672) Date: Tuesday, April 22,2008 6:30 p.m. Registration & Book Release 6:45 p.m. Book Signing 7:00 p.m.

Buffet Dinner Please rsvp to before April 18th. ABI Enterprises, Inc. 11415 Sagemorgan Drive, Houston, TX 77089, USA Phone: 713-724-4399, Phone and Fax: 281-484-2270 L S THILL RE: M.W Kellog Limited piping stress analysis (Mechanical) 17 Apr 08 15:50. Hi Leonard, Well, I am a long time user of FE/Pipe so I need no additional convincing. Also Tony Paulin is a long time friend and colleague as we have both been members of the ASME 31 Mechanical Design Committee for many years and we currently have several MDC projects that we are teamed on. The MDC is meeting in Vancouver this week.

The Webinars that PRG are sponsoring are excellent and to be recommended for anybody who wants to sharpen their understanding of fundamental Code concepts sprinkled with the PRG depth of experience. Many people do not know that PRG are currently performing basic research for ASME and this research will be the foundation for future ASME Code rules. Regards, John.