Blender Basic Tutorial Pdf

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First I want to make note of the arrows that appear when you select an object. Those are the Axes.

The red arrow is the X axis, green is the Y axis, and blue is the Z axis. These arrows allow you to move things more accurately. Translating There are three ways to do this, one is to simple right click and drag. Another is to just select the object and press 'G' Or, you can left click on the axis you want to move the object on, and drag. Rotating Rotating is very simple, all you have to do is select the object to be rotated, and press 'R' If you want to rotate around a specific axis, first press 'R' then 'X', 'Y', or 'Z'. Each letter corresponds to it's respective axis.


BlenderCourse Basics is a free PDF ebook about Blender 3D. With more than 120 pages of exercises, this course is suitable for. 'Print-Friendly' Blender Theme. In Blender For Dummies, 3rd edition, I use a custom theme for all of the screenshots; one that’s a little bit lighter and shows a up.

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Scaling To scale an object, simply press 'S'. If you want to stretch an object along a certain axis press 'X', 'Y', or 'Z', after pressing 'S'.

In this series of PDF tutorials I will show you, from start to finish how to make a fairly complex game in the Blender game engine. You will need to have a few Blender skills such as basic modelling, but I do give lots of info about every other aspect of making the game. At first your will be 'plugging in' pre-written scripts to get your objects to perform correctly, but later I will be showing how to write your own Python scritps for the BGE. I will be covering many aspects including basic A.I. Game objectives, multiple missions, switching meshes and using dictionaries to store information.

You will learn how to save and load games, as well as how to add a HUD and mini map to your game. The tutorials are as follows: 1. Making a game model using projected texture baking. Basic player movement for a helicopter.

Weapons management, including enemy damage and player ammo. Here's the first tutorial: and here is the second: the Blend file to go with Tutorial 2. And the python script. Copy and paste it to your blend file and name it Code: #################################################### ### imports import bge #################################################### ### get window info def windowinfo: y= bge.render.getWindowHeight.0.5 x= bge.render.getWindowWidth.0.5 return (y,x) #################################################### ### stop roll and pitch exceeding maximum def maxvalue(own): maxsetting = 80 if own'pitch' maxsetting: own'pitch' = maxsetting if own'pitch' maxsetting: own'roll' = maxsetting if own'roll'. Here's the third tutorial. It shows how to set up your weapons.

You can download the Blend file. This is the Python script you will need for this part of the tutorial. The script has become too long to be pasted as code. The next tutorial will cover creating enemies and setting up different levels of AI. EDIT: There are a couple of small issues with the code for this tutorial, they don't affact the functionallity of the script, but veteran coders might think they look out of place. I'll fix them up in the next release. One example is that I called up a function that I didn't need, but didn't end up using it anyway and then forgot to remove it later.

It could be confusing. Anyway, at this point the idea is just to use the scripts as is, you don't need to understand them yet. I'll be giving an introduction to scripting for BGE in the next tutorial, showing how to find the nearest target and set an actuator to use that information. Thanks a ton Smokingmirror! I nearly missed this tutorial series (found it accidentally in the resource forum), and now already tutorial 3! This is exactly what i have been looking for.

Will go through every precious word when i find my time. Having a peep at the.blend file, the helicopter look so damn cute! Sure i'll have some questions to ask after studying it, and hope you won't mind answering it! Thanks again! Thanks for the interest!

Ask any questions here and I'll answer them. The scripts may be a little hard to understand at this point, but I plan on delving in to script writing more in the later tutorials.

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If anything else is unclear I'll try my best to give some aditional instructions, and then write the extra info into the existing tutorials. Hi Alan, it's looking good. With a game like this where the model is going to be so small on screen you can get most of the detail from the texture, there's no need to model the windows for example. I'd say carry on with what you've got, it looks great and I'm sure unless you're rocking out on a ten year old laptop, your computer should be able to handle the extra work load of a few triangles. For future models, you should try to keep the triangle count very low.

In the game engine there's no need to worry about edge loops or making the model convex. You can add chunks of the model on without joining them to the main body (red areas on the following example). You can also use triangles wherever you want because the game engine breaks it down in to triangles automatically, keeping to quads won't get the kind of improved shading you can see in the Blender render engine (green arrows on the example show where I've chosen to use triangles). Overall, with such a low poly asset you don't want any extra edges or verts inside a flat planar area, a curved surface can be achieved with just a single extra edge. In my RPG game I'm finding that although Bender handles a couple of low poly characters or objects very easily, once I start getting up to 10 or more on the screen at the same time there is visible slowdown because of rendering time. Keeping models as low poly as possible at first is a great way to go on with development.

If at the end of your project you find some extra processing power is left, then by all means go back and pretty up your models with some extra geometry. Rendering is a bit of a bottleneck in Bender, and though it has improved, and computers are faster these days, I'd still suggest aiming for no more than 3000 triangles on a single model. As I say, stick with what you've got for now. I find that any project has two basic states: 1. Enthusiasm mode. You are very interested in the project.

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Maybe you've just started or your just watched a movie or played a game or read a book or had a dream which has reignited your passion for a game project that was stalled. This is the time when you get most work done. You just can't find any energy to do any serious work on the project. Maybe theres a problem you can't solve, or a sudden slowdown which you can't work out how it was caused, or you are thinking of something else completely. At this time you normally just tinker with a project, improving textures, fiddling with code, hunting out old bugs, or making some concept art.

This is the time when you spend most time posting in forums and helping other people with their problems. If you are in mode 1, it's best to just keep on doing stuff and don't worry about perfecting it too much. There's plenty of time to go back and fix stuff in mode two. Anyway, it's all part of the cycle of game making for a hobbyist. Thanks for the advice smoking I decided I would start again with my model and went for a Russian ka-60 (My version of this game is going to focus on resupplying other forces as opposed to shooting at enemies.). After modeling I realised that having an all black surfaces makes a model look hidious. Or maybe just my modeling skills.

I completed(80%) of tutorial two now I can follow the instructions, but I do not quite know WHY I am doing what I am told, if that makes sense. I know some Java programming so I might have a play with some python. Thanks for the feedback. I'm in talks now with some other blender users on a new set of tutorials which would aim to do the same thing, but with less of a steep learning curve. I realized after starting this tutorial series that the content is not really graded well. The things going on under the hood, in the python area are too advanced compared to what's being done in the tutorial (basically just hooking up logic bricks and adding objects). I need a new project wich starts with just basic logic bricks and doesn't bring in python until the user is comfortable with the basics, and then only one function at a time so people can understand not only what they are doing, but why.